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CBD Vape Pen

Is CBD Vape Pens Safe? What are they?

There has been a significant increase in the popularity of CBD vape pens, both single-use and reusable with replaceable cartridges, similar to other CBD products available on the market. But how do they differ from other CBD products, you might be wondering?   We're going to address some frequently asked questions today to assist you in determining whether a CBD vape is the best option for your requirements.

We're going to address some frequently asked questions today to assist you in determining whether a CBD vape is the best option for your requirements.

CBD oil drops vs. CBD vapes

What distinguishes these two CBD products from one another?  

CBD vapes are made so that you can inhale CBD-infused vapour straight into your lungs, forgoing any requirement for external absorption or digestion, as opposed to ingesting CBD oil under the tongue for sublingual absorption into the bloodstream.   This takes us to the onset—the first significant distinction between CBD oil drops and CBD vapes.

Which works faster, CBD Vape or CBD Oil Drops?

Users begin to experience the effects of CBD oil drops within a few minutes to up to 30 minutes after application. A CBD vape, on the other hand, may be the perfect option for you if you need your CBD to start working immediately and have a limited amount of time to spare.

Which is stronger: CBD vape or CBD oil drops?

The amount of CBD that is present in the product corresponds to its strength (i.e., the mg of CBD listed on the box), however this is not the same as the amount that the body really uses. You may have observed that the mg level of CBD in CBD vapes is typically lower than that of most CBD oils. This is because, according to the term "bioavailability," vaping CBD is a more effective means of delivery. However, there isn't currently any conclusive proof of this claim. Some cannabis industry companies assert that vaping CBD makes the same amount around four times stronger.

Why do we need bioavailability?

The percentage of a chemical that is actually absorbed and utilized by the body is known as bioavailability. That's accurate, not all of the CBD in your product is effective; in fact, oral oils often contain between 20 and 50% of the CBD, whereas vapes typically have between 50 and 80%. When it comes to getting the most value out of the money you spend on CBD, this can really make a big difference.

What is CBD Vape’s impacts?

The only significant difference between CBD oil that is taken into the circulation and vaped CBD oil is that vaped CBD goes directly to the receptors in your brain and lungs, whereas CBD oil is absorbed into the bloodstream and moves about more slowly.   If you're not aware with how CBD functions, the following is a basic explanation:

System Of Endocannabinoids

The endocannabinoid system is one important mechanism through which CBD oil interacts with the body. Don't worry if you've never heard of it; most people haven't either. This system is still not even mentioned in medical school curricula in the UK, despite being discovered in the 1990s and the focus of tens of thousands of investigations, with substantial evidence demonstrating that its role is to regulate all (yes, all) body processes. This will definitely alter over the next few years as the use of medical cannabis and CBD in this nation increases.

The ECS is made up of endocannabinoids, 2-AG and Anandamide (called after the Sanskrit word for "bliss"), which are created and released on demand to maintain the body in balance. Of the receptors, CB1 and CB2 are the ones we know the most about. They function by squeezing into the ECS receptors, which are present in your muscles, joints, brain, lungs, every skin cell, and throughout all other main physiological systems. After doing this, they convey information from the outside world into the cell. The cell that is being "spoken to" will then behave accordingly, or carry on if everything is going according to plan.

This communication can become less efficient when endocannabinoids are not being created adequately, which is thought to be a result of external, influencing factors such strain, poor sleep, a bad diet, and infrequent exercise. Your body's cells suddenly lack the messengers that normally give them instructions on what to do and what not to do. Because of this, almost anything may occur!   By binding to CB2 receptors and blocking the enzyme that typically breaks down endocannabinoids, CBD supports this mechanism. This stimulates more endocannabinoids to function at a higher level in your bloodstream. The CBD molecule, the most prevalent cannabinoid in CBD oil, interacts with the ECS in this fashion, as do other cannabinoids in other ways.

As it activates:

- Serotonin Receptors (which affect a wide range of functions, including bone density, digestion, and sexual performance!

- Capsaicin Receptors, which play a role in the transmission of pain.

Among others.

CB1 vs CB2

CBD Vapes: Are they safe?

Is it actually safe to breathe something other than oxygen into your lungs? Most medical experts would probably answer negatively. But do CBD vapes offer the highest level of safety?

Studies to far indicate that vaping CBD doesn't appear to alter its excellent safety profile; nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that because you use more CBD when you vape, the doses may be greater than when you use oil drops.

It is crucial to choose a CBD vape from a business you trust, who worked with specialists to produce their product. The actual process of vaping could potentially cause issues if the equipment or ingredients aren't up to par.

To ensure the highest, safest quality possible, Unique CBD developed The Bar with a leading neurologist in the field and a top-tier testing laboratory, Eurofins.

Can CBD Vapes Assist in Quitting Smoking?

According to recent studies, the CBD molecule may be able to aid smokers in quitting their habit.

In a 2013 randomized double-blind placebo-controlled research, individuals who were told to use a CBD inhaler whenever they felt the urge to smoke for one week had a 40% decrease in their cigarette consumption! The number of cigarettes used was the same in those receiving a placebo, in contrast.

Another placebo-controlled trial looked into whether CBD may reduce neurocognitive cravings or withdrawal symptoms. The subjects received 800 mg of CBD or a placebo after quitting smoking for the night. Those who received CBD noticed that their cravings were less intense and were simpler to manage. Even witnessing other individuals smoke and seeing imagery associated to smoking were much less upsetting to them. 

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