Topicals With CBD for Pet Health and Well-Being – D Squared Worldwide Inc Skip to content

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CBD for Pets

Topicals With CBD for Pet Health and Well-Being

Just like you, your pets can benefit from topical CBD products. Unbelievably, animals react to CBD and other products made from hemp in a way that is comparable to how humans do; more on that later. Topicals are a fantastic way for pet owners to introduce CBD and other healthy ingredients to their furry little companions, giving them a range of wellness-boosting advantages, along with CBD pet products like tinctures and treats. How then can you choose the appropriate topicals for them? The ingredients list serves as the foundation for the straightforward solution.

The same premium, human-grade components used in our regular CBD products are also used in our CBD products for pets. So both Fido and Fluffy can benefit from a similar CBD experience that promotes wellness.

Are CBD topicals suitable for your pet, though? Would any additional pet products, such as tinctures or treats, offer supplementary advantages?

Let's start now!

CBD: What is it?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the most prevalent cannabinoids. The cannabis and hemp plants naturally contain chemical substances called cannabinoids. Other hemp-derived substances like CBG, CBC, and CBN have gained notoriety in recent years as popular supplements. Even our own products now contain them, enhancing CBD's already-existing effects. However, CBD continues to rule when we examine the plant's cannabinoid profile.


THC, the cannabinoid that gives cannabis its "high," is the second most prevalent one. THC levels in cannabis plants vary, however hemp has a naturally low THC content of less than 0.3%.

The distinction between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD is determined by the quantity of THC present in your preferred product.

CBD With a Full Spectrum Vs CBD with a Broad-Spectrum Vs CBD Isolated

The initial CBD extraction produced when we grow hemp plants and extract CBD is full-spectrum oil. This kind of CBD contains flavonoids and terpenes as well as the full cannabinoid and aromatic profile of hemp.

All plants contain flavonoids and terpenes, which can be found from the stem to the bud. Plant color is a result of flavonoids. In the case of hemp, flavonoids give the plant its summer-green hue.

On the other hand, terpenes give the plants their flavor and aroma, producing the brilliant scent of a rose and the skunky whiff of hemp. In addition to CBD, these two aromatic qualities have therapeutic advantages as well.

Flavonoids, terpenes, and hemp's low THC content are all present in full-spectrum CBD. Full-spectrum CBD products provide users a better possibility of experiencing the Entourage Effect because their cannabinoid profile is still intact. This occurs when several cannabinoids interact with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) at once, enhancing the effects of CBD.

Now that the THC levels have been reduced to undetectable levels, we can create broad-spectrum CBD, the kind of CBD that is present in our pet products. We don't take any chances with our pet products because THC is hazardous for dogs and cats. They still receive the tremendous advantages of flavonoids, terpenes, and non-THC cannabinoids from broad-spectrum CBD, which also provides a little diminished Entourage Effect.

Finally, if we are able to remove all non-CBD compounds, we will have CBD isolate. These goods simply provide the advantages connected with CBD and have 99% CBD content.

System Of Endocannabinoids

A network of receptors called the ECS works assiduously to keep the body and mind in a state of homeostasis, or balance. But not only humans are born with this system. Soon after the ECS was identified, scientists started noticing it in all kinds of vertebrate animals as well as invertebrates!

Cannabinoids enter your body through your digestive tract and pass through to your bloodstream, where they interact with the ECS receptors, when you (or Fido) consume CBD. These cannabinoids improve the ECS's functionality and have a variety of positive effects on wellbeing.

How Topical CBD Functions?

CBD topicals, however, are distinct. The bloodstream of your pet does not absorb cannabinoids from topical CBD solutions. Instead, they bypass the bloodstream entirely by absorbing through the skin barrier and filtering into the underlying tissue. In contrast to dog treats and tinctures, CBD topicals allow you to target the precise area where you want your pet to enjoy the benefits of CBD.

Selection Of CBD Topicals for Pets

Skin on your pet is particularly delicate on the nose and paw pads. Your pet's nose can eventually become dry, similar to how our lips can when it's cold outside or heated inside. A dog needs a healthy, well-hydrated nose since it uses its excellent sense of smell almost constantly while awake to follow a trail left by a squirrel or figure out what you're preparing for dinner.

Additionally, their paws may become dry and crack as a result. Usually, surface wear or aging can cause this. In severe circumstances, cracked paws may potentially be uncomfortable when moving around while walking, jogging, or zooming around.

That's where our go-to CBD topical comes in. Our Calming and Moisturizing Pet CBD Balm is intended to moisturize dry skin spots on your pet's paws, nose, and other body parts. Shea butter, essential oils, odorless Alaskan salmon oil, broad-spectrum CBD extracted from hemp, and other ingredients make up our CBD Pet Balm.

Shea butter works to moisturize dry skin, and essential oil advantages support CBD's calming effects. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are abundant in our flavorless Alaskan salmon oil, which supports a healthy coat and has numerous additional benefits.

Other CBD Pet Products

Our CBD Pet Balm may now be the beginning of your pet's path toward wellness. To help your feline or canine friends relax even more, we now provide a variety of CBD products for pets.

CBD Tinctures

Our CBD tinctures for dogs are made with the same premium, human-grade components as our normal tinctures but are flavor-formulated with either chicken or bacon flavors that pets will adore. And owners of cats or Chihuahuas need not worry—these tinctures are available in a variety of strengths for animals of all sizes. Your pet can either enjoy this hemp-derived, broad-spectrum CBD oil directly from the dropper or as a tasty topping on their meal.

Final Thoughts:

CBD topicals for pets, like our CBD Pet Balm, offer a range of benefits for cracked paws and dried skin. Because topical CBD products don’t filter cannabinoids into the bloodstream, you’ll need a different kind of CBD pet product for overall mind and body wellness, like pet tinctures.

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